Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Update on depression

Ok ok I know it has been a while since I have posted I have been busy getting the runaround I have a appointment inshaallah with the doctor on January 3rd to talk about my depression yeah I know it is almost a week away but it was the very first appointment they had ..................................................
Still trying to figure out the head ache thing so far physical therapy hasn't help any pain still there so is the nausated and dizzness , blood tests came back normal so not that now just have to go step by step feel like a rat on a wheel sometimes .....................................................
Still struggling with my prayers Allah help me find the path back to prayer why is it so hard to pray .............................Why does my mind dart from one thing to another???????????????? What is going on why do I alway feel so dam tired and am not able to sleep ?
Been better at house cleaning but still feel so sad and lonely as well as unable to sleep .
I seek refuge in Allah