Monday, September 29, 2014

Shampoo DIY
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup liquid soap, such as castile
1/2 teaspoon light vegetable oil (omit if you have very oily hair.)

1. Mix together all ingredients. Pour the shampoo into a clean squeeze bottle or empty shampoo bottle.
2. To use: Shampoo as you normally would and rinse well with cool water.

Herbal Shampoo
   1/2 cup water
 2 tablespoons dried or 1/3 cup fresh chamomile, lavender or rosemary
  1/2 cup Basic Shampoo or use this recipe *
  2 tablespoons glycerin
1. Mix together the water and herbs and heat gently to make a strong tea. Let the mixture steep for at least 20 minutes. Add shampoo and glycerin to the herbal water mixture and stir well.
2. Pour shampoo into a clean squeeze bottle or empty shampoo bottle. Let the mixture sit overnight to thicken.
3. To use: Shampoo and rinse well.
*for shampoo 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup liquid soap 1/2 teaspoon light vegetable oil (omit if you have very oily hair.)

wipes for house
½ cup water
½ cup vinegar
8 drops essential oil including lavender
1 teaspoon detergent
Micro-fibre cloths
Large airtight jar
Place cloths into large jar
In a jug combine water, vinegar, essential oil and detergent, mix to combine
Pour liquid over cloths
Seal jar
Use to clean things when done with wipe rinse it and place in laundry to be washed . 
Saves money and doesn't have all the weird chemicals as store bought wipes

Depressed Ranting of a overly tired mind
Everyday is a struggle but some how I get through it. Alhamdulilah if it wasn't for the Merciful that Allah bestowed upon me, my reading, my deen, I would be back in the darkness of my thoughts. Today I am a little bit depressed, maybe it's hormonal, maybe it's the awkward silence that my husband and I are experiencing , He talks to everyone but me. I am in the mind-fog of depression. The depressed mind doesn’t always recognize things as they are. Everything feels like it is a huge chore I am crabby and irritated, easily annoyed and short tempered in I will yell at the drop of a hat , why must I always deal with depression it is like being lost in a thick fog it makes everything distorted and it is hard to find your way out of the fog.
I have been beyond blue for a long time it is a daily struggle living with depression , my doctors say bipolar NOS but I rarely swing into mania mostly it is depression with periods that are hypo-manic so basically I get into moods were I plan stuff like sewing projects and start them yet never finish them or my favorite I clean things weird things I am sure no one else cares if are ever cleaned, another thing is I am having a lot of trouble sleeping it doesn't help that in the neighborhood there are several dogs that bark at random  and never seem to shut up then there are the babies who wake and fuss then on top of that I have to pee like every five minutes and there is only one bathroom upstairs . I just feel defeated when fighting depression so far nothing has worked or even seemed to help it is like I am walking around wrapped in a thick gray fog that no one else can see but me .
Having depression is like having a invisible wound that just will not heal , to explain it so a non depressed mind will understand the closest I can come is to use a stubbed toe as a example you stub you toe it hurts and is bloody you take care of said toe and it is almost healed when again it gets hurts and the cycle just keeps repeating over and over that is how depression is there is always going to be a cycle of feeling blue and lower than dirt to depressed to even brush your teeth , hair or take care of yourself some people get stuck in that and never get out others learn how to mange somewhat normal looking lives while hiding how they truly feel . I do not know why some people are given depression , bipolar and other invisible illnesses to deal with , but  Allah never gives a person more than he or she can bear .allah does notdon't be sad

Sun Burnt
Ow Ow I have a sun burn yes and it hurts and is no fun , yesterday I was up on the roof washing blankets and rugs in the sun and forgot to keep covered up well today I am paying for it in pain swelling redness and it sucks .
 1 .thing you need to do if you get sun burnt is get out of the sun asap
2. take apple cider vinegar mix with cool water and apply to skin to help , baking soda bath als0 helps
3. drink lots of water , tea also helps
4 .take raw cucumber peels the cut into strips or slices and apply to skin be sure to gently rub juice on skin
Aloe vera works as well but I didn't have any available . Will be using Potato paste later on today a well
below is some diy sun burn relief remedies
 Potato paste
If you’ve found yourself with searing hot red skin, root up a few potatoes. Potatoes have been known as a pain reliever throughout the years, working particularly well on minor skin irritations and soothing scratches, bites, and burns, as well as possibly reducing inflammation. Some people feel that the juice of the potato works the best, while others feel just slices are sufficient. Try both, and see which one is the best remedy for your sunburn.
You will need…
-2 potatoes
-A grater, blender, or knife
-Cotton balls, cotton pads, facial tissue, or gauze
Wash and scrub your potatoes thoroughly, and then either grate them over a bowl or cut them up and put them in a blender. There is no need to remove the peels. If you’re using a blender, give them a whirl until they’ve become quite liquid. If they seem too dry, you can add a small amount of water. Pour out the mixture, soak cotton balls thoroughly in it, and apply to sunburn. An easier perhaps more effective method would be to soak gauze and lay it over the burn.

 Cornstarch/baking soda for fighting burns
Cornstarch, with its cool, silky texture, is a good way to naturally soothe your sunburn. Like milk, it is one of those things that you probably have lying around your house regardless of whether or not you planned on sizzling out in the sun. If you don’t have cornstarch, try some baking soda for quick relief. Both can diminish the pain and lessen the blazing red appearance of the burn.
You will need…
-Cornstarch or baking soda
-Cool water
How much cornstarch or baking soda you need will vary depending on how big of an area you want to cover. Whichever one you are using add cool water-not cold- little by little until it has reached a paste-like consistency. Smear the paste gently over your burn and leave on until the heat or pain has let up some. Rinse off completely.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of witch hazel
-1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
-2-4 teaspoons of baking soda or cornstarch
-1-2 cups of fresh mint leaves, or 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil
-2 tablespoons fresh, clean, water