Saturday, December 3, 2011

trying something new

Ok so I know the first few posts have been kinda whiny and depressing so I will try to highlight the positive in my life I have come to realize that whining and griping is not going to help me grow in my faith and deen as well as help me over come my feelings of depression and pain.
Just how I will do this I haven't figured out all the details so I guess I will try several things and what works I'll keep doing what doesn't work I will discard yeah I know sounds a lot like life ..........................
I will inshaallah be back later to update my post this is all for now..................
Today was a great day I got to hang out with my friend and go on a long walk with the children
my head ache seems to be a bit better it is not as bad as yesterday and inshaallah it will go away soon

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