Saturday, January 21, 2012

winter update

Life has a way of getting in the way of my blog I am sorry that life has been so chatioc that I was unable to blog for a while ..................
here is a brief update on my life so far I have seen the doctor for my head ache and started physical therapy for my head ache it has helped zip head ache is still here ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen a mental health person and she has increased my dosage of medication doesn't seem to have done anything but medication takes time to work.
Both children have been sick with a nasty virus and we had alot of winter weather had some snow and a bunch of rain then alot of flooding so been stuck in the house with 2 sick cranky stair crazy children.

I feel like I have no friends here I mean there are people who I chat with online but that is the extent of our friendship.
I lack a support system here I don't have anyone I can rely on if I need to I feel lost and adrift .
I feel like the muslim sisters here have formed their own groups of friends and they are in some ways cliquie I don't really feel like I have any friends ..................................................................
I haven't been sleeping well I have tried working on my sleep I go to bed at the same time every night I sleep poorly I have weird and scary dreams and when I wake my whole body is sore and stiff , my body aches and my joints and mucsles and bones make popping and cracking sounds

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