Thursday, June 5, 2014

Life in Morocco

I haven't blogged in a long time mostly because I have been busy , life has a funny way of sneaking up and distracting us since I last posted a lot has happened.

To catch everyone up on what has happened I will be brief summary here goes , I have a special needs 4 year old Princess a 3 year old Monkey (boy) and was on bed rest most of 2013 pregnant with Bouncing baby boy , he is now 10 month old . In January I came to morocco to visit my in laws and still here I am .

Life in morocco is different to say the least no one recognizes mental illness and they just give in to the children's whining if they whine for candy then they get said candy  .

I had health issues and had to go off all my medications which hasn't been easy it has been really hard and no one seems to understand what it's like , my moods are all over the place and I hardly sleep to keep from dwelling on how I feel at night I stay up and watch old tv series on my computer , I would crochet but I ran out of yarn two months ago and am still waiting to betaken to the store to buy yarn I was told tomorrow well tomorrow has never came.

Everything happens in super slow motion if you want something it's always tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow still waiting for tomorrow .

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